Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No Picture Posts, Just the Galaxy Please

I find divine moments most when I am unplugged.

And this month, I have taken the time to evaluate the world around me just a little more as I have taken a step back, a break, if you will, from the monstrous overtaking the becomes our society in social media: Facebook.

You see; Facebook is nothing more than an audience. Whether or not a person creates a 'fan' page, the very idea of FB itself invites the prospect of what hundreds of people think about you, about me, our status, our posts, our photos, our wall, our about sections, and it is not a graceful place, open to bullying, worrying about who said what when, and if anyone 'liked' anything we may have done. Frankly, it was all a little too much for me. For now, I do not need, nor want an audience.

Those closest to my soul find me outside the madness of Zuckerburg's creation and inside the precious position of humanness and it's grand Creator. While it may be true, I am not void of all social media outlets, I have removed myself from the largest of them and it has been a gratifying escape.

I am able to take time for own my insanity and adjustments. I am able to focus a little more those I wish to keep my focus on and I do not feel obligated to post an update for the world to see or hear. I find myself exploring in ways which are most important - with people - who deserve intimate attention and ultimately I find a place for which I explore my mind and heart as the seasons change once again for me.

There is something in discovering wholeness, divinity, wonder and exposure to creation through my God-given lens - rather than what someone else chooses for me. It becomes my eyesight, my point of view, the reality of the those who need, those who do not, those who would celebrate and those who would mourn. Unlike a post on FB, that friend of mine - I can see them, rather than the mask they display.

I can express my own and I can choose not to and I can find what is divine in *all* that is around me...

Time unplugged is quality time connected to what is most important. There is no stigma attached. There is no irony in this, there is only the truth. Facebook is about audience. For today, for now; I am stepped away from the spotlight - and in this beautiful amphitheater universe, I can see the galaxy and it is so vastly incredible. 

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