Now, a week later, residents are slowly being allowed beyond the barricades securing the area as firefighters are are putting out the last of the remaining embers of a monstrous fire.
For Kathy Miller, she knows her family will have to start from scratch because she says, their entire property was burned to the ground.
We met just a few short miles from her home, near a military checkpoint guarding the area. Miller says she is surprised how far up Black Forest Road She is able to drive without seeing signs of the massive fire.

Miller had just enough time to grab a few days worth of clothes, video games for her 7-year old son and a few family heirlooms. But it wasn’t enough time to pack everything before she, her son, a cousin, her father, grandfather and 6 dogs rallied into two vehicles and fled the scene.
“As we were driving out, we could see huge plumes of smoke and actually came straight down Black Forest Road, we never could see the flames,” Miller states.
After seeing the news, shortly after, Miller knew her family left in the nick of time. The fire reached their house within 30 minutes after they fled.
After seeing the news, shortly after, Miller knew her family left in the nick of time. The fire reached their house within 30 minutes after they fled.

The family home was a 5 acre property which included a long fenced area, a trailer, storage sheds, stacks of hay and of course the house itself.
“I got two paintings my grandma made that were hanging in my room,” Miller tells me, but those were the only heirlooms she was able to retrieve. She says one thing she will miss are the silver spoons hanging in the dining room and collection of dolls her late grandmother gave her every birthday growing up.

But even with so much loss, Miller finds strength in the fact that everyone, including their 6 dogs made it out in time. She says there was a scare over the weekend when 4 of the dogs had run off, but with the help of the Humane Society and a tireless search, all the dogs were brought back to safety. There are many families however, who were not able to rescue their faithful family pets in time.
According to Gretchen Pressley, the Colorado Springs Humane Society Spokeswoman, “At all of our locations, we’ve taken in more than a thousand animals including horses, livestock, chickens, cats and dogs.” 
Pressley says they’ve been working tirelessly to help animals who may have suffered injuries running through the fire, “We had a cat a couple of days ago who had come in and her whiskers were burned down and she had burns on her paws and she was just very singed overall.” But the vets were able to treat the cat’s burns and Pressley said the family was “overjoyed” to retrieve her as the cat escaped while they were packing to evacuate.
As the days go by, owners are able to match their lost ones with the Humane Society’s found animals and come to the facility to receive them.

Pressley encourages the owners to always have a backup plan in case of a similar situation, but understanding it can be hard for the residents and so she says, they are continuing to do everything they can to rescue missing critters and treat them while they wait for their owners to come for them.
While the public heavily relies on the Humane Society for immediate help there are still owners are still making attempts to go on to their property with police escorts in hopes to draw animals to food.
The Millers are finally sifting through the remnants of their home and at her family’s first visit back to the property, Miller says the scene - “is devastated.” Walking through the ashes and soot, indeed the house had completely burned down. The two story home is now a pile of rubble and charred pieces. Where a piano once stood, only the strings are left, coins from a jar rusted and spilled on top of dust. Kathy Miller points out the kitchen and says, “this is where the back-door was and the refrigerator was here.” She surveys the scene still shocked at the pile of black the family home is now under.
As we cross over the property, we notice glass from windows appears to be more melted than broken. Piles of metal singed but still standing, cars - discolored and rusted; and if they had tires, those too were circular strings of metal on the ground, the rubber melted off. Toy trucks and bikes burnt to a crisp and lying in the dirt, Miller says her son played with toys that had been in the family for a long time and now it’s gone.

In fact, several yards around the windmill had not been touched and green grass still graced the bottom of the small stand. Against the burnt rubble of the Millers home, the Windmill gives them a small symbol of hope and remembrance of what they’ve been through.
“We’re going to rebuild in the same location,” Miller says, “We’re going to have the same address, we’re going to have somebody come and professionally lay the foundation and our family is going to actually build the home ourselves.”WHAT'S NEXT?
She says the home has been in the family for nearly 30 years and everyone in the family has lived in it at one time or another, so it’s important for them to rebuild it. Miller notes their insurance company, has “been amazing” and is even helping them rent out a home “until we get rebuilt enough to live out here again.” The house was “over-insured,” and she says her family more than enough to rebuild the inside and outside of a new home.
It’s a new beginning and sad ending for so many families. So, as the Black Forest checkpoints open and the Red Cross steps in with relief efforts, the residents return to where their homes once were to wade through their memories...in ashes.*
*View more of Ash's work at http://ashgallagher.com
*More photos to come